Thursday 7 March 2013

Stuck in a rut.....

For some reason or other, recently I have began to lose confidence in most of my projects as I feel that most of the initial direction is not strong enough to take further. This is something, I need to focus on an improve in order to successfully complete my briefs to the best standard I can at this point in time.

The YCN Greetings card I have been working on, seems to have reached a dead end, as I feel that the orignal concept of using hand rendered type is lacking visually and does not meet the standards of professional work in my eyes. So I am beginning a new direction with this.

- Characterised Christmas Cards
- Set of 5-6
- Printed Range
- Packaging.

Keeping this simple enough to work with I now feel I can move on with this more effectively, and not worry too much about the outcome. The deadline is in 7 days from now, so this means I have under a week to get it all done. A week brief essentially. 

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